There are over 175 websites created every minute
With so many sites being created every day, getting your website seen by the right people is not always a simple thing.
Even when your audience is actively searching for you, competition can be fierce and that’s where SEO and Digital Marketing comes in to propel your business into the limelight.
SEO is all about visibility
In this day and age, it’s fair to say that almost every business has a web presence. Whether it’s a website, social media profile or even just user reviews, your business has an on-line footprint that potential customers use to make decisions about which services to use and what products to buy.
“SEO leads have a 14.6% success rate, while outbound leads (such as mail campaigns or print) have a 1.7% close rate”
Making your website search engine friendly by optimising all the technical elements is just the first step. It’s an important step, but at its core, good SEO is about knowing your audience. It’s about user experience and understanding what people want.
How does S.E.O work?
There are a lot of factors when it comes to SEO and the number of core elements is getting bigger almost every month.
Something that worked a year ago might get you into hot water today and the nuances of Search Engine Optimisation require both creative and technical skill sets. From the clever use of words and imagery, to on page/ technical optimisation and cultivating a healthy link profile, earning an online income from your business means that you need to be at the head of the pack and stay up-to-date with the latest optimisation practices. It has never been harder for businesses to get noticed, and that’s why I work my butt off to ensure that your business is exactly where it needs to be.
On the internet, out of sight really is out of mind, so let me help you get ahead of your competition.
“Search is the number one driver of traffic to a site, outdoing social media by more than 300%”
The lion’s share of internet traffic comes from a relatively small number of search engines worldwide. Namely: Google, Yahoo, Bing and Yandex. Because of this, it’s super important to make sure that each search engine can read and understand your website. This means that both the underlying HTML (web code) structure of your web pages and its corresponding copywriting needs to be able to accurately and efficiently tell each search engine what your business is, and what you are selling.
Understanding your customers is the key to great S.E.O
There are a lot of ways to find out what keywords and phrases customers are using, but perhaps the best method is to get the information directly from the search engines themselves.
Next, you start answering the questions your customers are asking by creating high quality and relevant content. Whether that’s with an article, infographics, videos, or any other kind of content, the trick is to make it useful. In this day and age people are able to obtain an extremely large amount of free information on any subject. Your content has to be good, some might even say brilliant.
Around 97% of internet sessions start with a search engine, and the engines are almost always used to ask questions. The website the user ends up on is the answer to that question. But which site has the best answer? Well, if people if people find your content useful, chances are that they will share it, link to it, recommend it-it might even pop up as a reference in a related article.
The thing is, after tweaking all the nuts and bolts of your web presence, making sure that all you information is where it should be and regularly collecting and analysing data to see what works and what doesn’t, a large portion of SEO revolves around generating really great content.
Good marketing is about helping people
The days of outbound marketing are coming to an end. That means cold calling, spamming, intrusive call to actions and empty content are on their way out, and we say good riddance! Good marketing is about help – not hype. It’s about helping people find what they need, and discover what they’re interested in. In essence, good marketing is about cultivating the mutually beneficial relationship between business and consumer.
There is a whole lot more to cover when it comes to SEO, not to mention, Social Media, Content Writing and Digital Marketing. If you’re interested to learn more, we go over these topics in detail on our Blog.